The old Mill

The old Mill
Oak Ridge, North Carolina

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Greensboro, North Carolina, United States
Proud Grandparents of eleven and growing - from California to Florida

Monday, November 6, 2023

The Winds of Fall

 As I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly I heard a sound

Rustling leaves outside my door, merely leaves, being moved around

My eyes were closed, or almost there 

As I reposed, sunk deep in my chair

The wind, it swirls this time of year

The freshly fallen leaves are near

They rustle as the wind doth mourn

They shuffle as they sail airborne

My thoughts were sailing with the wind

The wounds return and seldom mend

Of times gone by, once filled with joys

Now pushed aside, like discarded toys

I can see her face, I can feel her touch

Her mirthful eyes spoke, oh so much

Her tender touch reached pure and deep 

And still it lingers, e'en in my sleep

No greater love had mortal man

Than I for she, there is no wan

Tho I grow old and cannot see

My love for her will constant be

No knocking raps upon my door

No raven quoting "nevermore"

Only thoughts from my soul doth soar

Simply thoughts of her, "forevermore"

So rustle all you winds of Fall

And wake me from my sleepy pall

You'll not create me any peril

My thoughts revert to my sweet Cheryl.